Just a quick reminder for the committee and leaders, our annual planning meeting will be this Monday, 7/16 at 6:30pm at Forsyth Park. The primary topics are the event and budget planning for the coming program year.
Beginning in April the church will have another group using the big room on Monday nights. All scouts and families should respect this and come right upstairs to the classroom your den meets in.
Anyone who sold popcorn and has orders that haven't been fulfilled yet, the orders are in. Please contact Stephanie K. to arrange pickup. Any outstanding payments are due at pickup. If you're unable to meet with Stephanie, please plan to pickup/pay for popcorn at the November Pack meeting.
We have one show and sell left on 10/12 at Gander MTN 9-9.
Please let me know if you would like a time.
Also this year there is the opportunity to sign out popcorn and sell it on your own if you wish. Please contact Phoebe at phoebemcd626@gmail.com if you would like to do this. Have your own show and sell, door to door, family functions, etc.
All popcorn take orders and money are due to me next week. I will be coming to the den meetings. If you are not going to be at your den meeting I need them by Thursday 10/12 at the very latest.
Remember for every full sheet you earn 1adult+1child ticket to Howe Caverns.
Speaking of Popcorn, our sale starts at the end of August. To all parents, in an effort to set up as many show and sells possible we are asking for some help. We are in need of parent volunteers that are willing to be responsible for a show and sell day during the popcorn sale. Basically, for the day you volunteer for you would be responsible for set up and take down of the popcorn booth and be available by phone during the time the sale is going on in case there is problems, a hole in the schedule or last minute cancellation by someone scheduled to sell popcorn. Show and sell days are mainly Saturday and Sundays from the weekend of August 24th through Columbus Day weekend in October. If you can help with one or more sale days please email Phoebe McDonough at phoebemcd626@gmail.com in the next week so she can determine how many show and sell dates we can have and order popcorn.