We have scheduled a fun event for August in the form of a special train ride. Pack 103 will have the Catskill Mountain Rail Road all to ourselves on Saturday August 17th at noon. Children (including brothers and sisters) are free thanks to the rail road group. The pack will pay for one adult from each family, and additional adults are $6.00 each. This will also be our popcorn sale kickoff event so we will have popcorn sheets, prize information, show and sell signups and information about our Fall Trip. So come on out and have a great time.
I hope you are all settling into the new adventure the school year is bringing.
I'd like to take a few minutes and bring everyone up to speed on the status of the Pack going forward this fall. As you all know, with the COVID situation, the pack has no meeting location. As a result, Pack wide gatherings will be spread out on an irregular schedule (instead of our regular 3rd Monday of the month). At the moment, we have two in-person "Pack meeting" events planned for the 4th quarter of 2020, and one additional in-person event. So here is a tentative breakdown of these for the remainder of the year: